IGÇÖve already attempted to propose that the birth of ONE game doesnGÇÖt have to, player-wise or franchise-wise, mean the bleeding and killing of the OTHER game.
I do understand that profit and logistics is an essential determinant in what does and doesnGÇÖt HAVE TO be in CCP, but FOUR games in New Eden is not impossible:

Valkyrie seems to have scripted its story well enough to serve as a stand-alone entity that allow players to GÇ£raidGÇ¥ areas of the CapsuleerGÇÖs environment, saying GÇ£we are Valkyrie, and we can sting and rob from you when we pleaseGÇ¥...but it appropriately without having HUGE affects on New EdenGÇÖs starmap. ItGÇÖs a stable existence for both Valkyrie and EVE.

Dust 514 can stay a structured-contract combat game (even if CCP had dreams of making it more with GÇ£soldiersGÇ¥ having a sole side business of sandbox-exploring and looting when not assaulting districts for pay). Stabilize its Planetary Conquest mechanic, and create a simple interface that only enables Mercenaries to accept a posted contract, and Capsuleers to transfer ISK upon contract-completion (donGÇÖt worry about trying to build a Capsuleer-to-Dustmerc goodies market---let the goodies market be Dustmerc-to-Dustmerc only, itGÇÖs easier). In the end Dust can say GÇ£we are DUST, and you need us to take planets and own districts.) Dust would be the only way Capsuleers can HUGELY affect the New Eden starmap.

(Project Legion) can be built to provide the GÇ£SandboxGÇ¥ and privateer looting aspect that PS3GÇÖs Dust cannot easily achieve. It doesnGÇÖt NEED to be built with any structured-contract-for-hire gameplay, so Legion CANNOT hugely affect or participate in changing the New Eden starmap and thus wonGÇÖt compete with Dust over the same franchise. Legion should be designed almost strictly to provide individual looting of districts swamped by drones or scarred after a Dust Planetary Conquest event, and LEGION can have the goodies market interface to sell ore-resources AND dropsuit-gear to both Capsuleers and Dustmercs (since neither of us has the mechanics in our games to collect them off the ground). Legion can have a stable co-existence WITH Dust, and can say GÇ£we are Legion, and both Dustmercs and Capsuleers need to come to us in order to purchase valuable salvaged stuffGÇ¥.
By being on PC, Legion gives the PC community the comfort they are entitled to and still allow them GÇ£walk on these worldsGÇ¥ (which is in effect what prompted the whole Dustmerc thing in the first place) without having to further invest in console world if they donGÇÖt want.
Capsuleers or Dust lovers can choose the less combat-driven, salvage-profiteer life of Legion by going onto PC.
But if they want to be a realtime influence in the wholesale conquest of entire planets/districts, they'll have to play in Dust 514 on console.
ValkyrieGÇÖs tiny fightership gameplay can only pillage the STARS of New Eden (but maybe they could be allowed to strafe planets? Hmm...).
Eve-Online Capsuleers are the catalyst that keep the other three games wealthy in loot or ISK.
Four games. One Universe. ...It's Miller Time